Tuesday, June 10, 2014

WHOA! Check out that NEW TAB!

"Hmmm...  That looks new and interesting!  Think I'll give it a click!"

Hey, y'all!  Touching back on what I mentioned from my last post back in May (I know, I know, waaaay too long ago *o*), I now have a section devoted entirely to writing resources I've found helpful in my own writing journey.  If you're looking for a few good books to assist you in getting your own books launched, check out this brand spankin' new WRITER RESOURCES tab to see what I personally use and recommend.  Plus, all of the books featured here have links to their product pages on Amazon.com, so cheers to writing AND to online shopping! ;D

Also, to give everyone a KHO, KHT update, I'm now within the last two/three chapters of this piece and I couldn't be more excited!  The tensions are high and all of those "who dunnit" questions are finally being revealed, and my protagonist is being a real trouper with all that I'm putting her through, haha.  Just gotta power through these final pages and really bring this piece home for the- dare it be true?! -REVISION process?!  With the Midwest Writers Workshop on the horizon (a little over forty days away!), I'm getting this lil' tushie in gear and hitting the keys.

Happy Writing, y'all!