Sunday, March 16, 2014

Riley Dayton Blog Official KICK OFF!

Well, it's been a year since I had this lil' guy tabbed on my favorites bar, but now is THE TIME to get this blog up and running, friends!  So without further delay...


A lot has changed in a year, but I am very happy to announce that as of this past November, I am back in the Kansas City metro area, home not only to my alma mater (William Jewell shout out!), but also to many things that I absolutely LOVE about this city.  Anywhere where there's such an awesome concentration of performing arts activities and events definitely gets my creative drive shifted into high gear :)

Speaking of creative drive, that is one thing that has certainly (and very thankfully!) remained unchanged over the course of this past year.  I am very excited to announce that I started on a brand new writing adventure last October, and have decided that this will be my official "debut piece" to the world of publishing!  Although I'm not disclosing too many details yet, I am announcing three things: 1) it is a murder mystery set in the Missouri Ozarks, 2) the working title is KILL HER ONCE, KILL HER TWICE, and 3) I have the very ambitious goal to have this bad boy pitch and query ready by this upcoming June.  A little crazy?  Perhaps, but crazy goals make me crazy productive ;)

And as for goals, here's the low-down on how much I'll be hitting the keys on a weekly basis:  I'm looking to generate between 7,000 - 10,000 words of all new material each week, with an all-around goal of 70,000 - 80,000 words for the first draft.  I'll be posting my "Weekly Writing Recap" (WWR) by Sunday midnight, as well as post an updated "Running Word Total" (RWT) to keep everyone (including my self) up to speed.

I'll have my first WWR next Sunday, March 23rd, but as far as the RWT goes, the official number as of today, Sunday, March 16th is 29,046 words.  Definitely going to get into the upper 30's next week!

Thanks for following along!  Be sure to check back often to learn more about what I'm working on, as well as posts regarding my own writing process, resources I've found very helpful in my own writing journeys, and a little bit of random fun, too ;)

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all!